Knitting, Spinning, Fiber and Yarn dying fun! Along with a bit of northern style adventure.
New stories include Dog Mushing in Alaska. Our trials and successes. Fun on the run!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome to Episode 1 of North Cabin Fiber Crafts!

To be brief I am not putting show notes on this first episode as it is so all over the place and didn't really follow much in that way of format.

Next time I promise.

I would like to say that I had tons of fun doing some point 3/4 of the way through I think I had a brain freeze.........sure hope that I cut that out well enough as to not scare you all away! LOL....

So enjoy, Let me know what you think., Plurk and Twitter as Lorrieu
Visit the Rav group for North Cabin Fiber Crafts and leave suggestions and comments.

Thanks so much!


  1. an interesting first episode.
    wow!! a 5 week stay in Alaska. I am envious, but not overly so>>> I like my comforts too much!!!!
    will promote your podcast on Plurk

  2. Yay! Great show, Lorrie! Congrats on the LYS!!! Tell us about your tattoos! (heart)

  3. Great job on your first podcast! I am so impressed with your courage and your talent. I placed my first order today and I can't wait to get it in my hot little hands.
    Take care
