Knitting, Spinning, Fiber and Yarn dying fun! Along with a bit of northern style adventure.
New stories include Dog Mushing in Alaska. Our trials and successes. Fun on the run!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Episode 3 fingers crossed!

I sure hope that this one comes out better than the last............I'm telling you this is a learning curve and process!

I digress not much for show notes............lemme toss some in!

THE WILD: Update to the adventure details and the hunt, find and gather
Somehow I have to figure out meals for this trip. He said its not like we will not have access to small shops and stores sometimes we just can’t plan on it.

Don’t know what to do about it and for anyone that will help………there will be a prize drawing. Go to the ravelry group and in the thread camp cooking enter your ideas. I will randomly pick someone at the end of may and you will win a great prize……………yet to be determined of course.
THE WACKY: my life……….whats going on family, critter news etc.
This week has been exciting! Blooming Knitter from the knitting blooms podcast and rav group Tina ask me if I would be interesting in a project this fall I said yes and we are working out the details.
I am heading to knitopia april 25-28 the GGpL in May
I signed up with a personal trainer friend to kick my butt into shape LOL
THE WORK: all about the business…….
I spent some time designing and ordering some buttons! For the shop
THE WOODS: . Jon has been very busy with his work at Ugly Dog distillery here in Chelsea Michigan. Just last week if you missed it, or I didn’t mention it an episode of under the radar Michigan was aired on public broadcast network I will have a link in the show note to watch directly from the internet. Jon and Ruger were in the feature segment about really cool places to visit in Chelsea Michigan  the jiffy company, the common grill there was ugly dog distillery! So go take a look.

No Ruger isn’t really an ‘ugly’ dog he is very cute it is just the nickname given the this breed of dog the german wire haired pointer (they didn’t get that part correct on the show!!!) LOL.
THE WISH LIST:  things I have found for biz or wooly and where to find it.
Probably the only thing that I did this week……………I ordered buttons from buttons just I believe is the address.

THE WONDER: photos, anything Alaska inspiration            
HA! This weeks wonder is just about I wonder how I made it through the week! I need better planning of time and management!
I found a planner…….i believe it is a teachers planner and you have nice areas to plan you daily schedule or activities or to do list.
As my life is changing I will have to be and continue to be productive……even moreso to not get lazy and put off stuff for the following days! I need to have structure and plans, always plans!
 So that about wraps it up remember to go to the ravelry group thread on the camp recipes and food ideas. You could win a prize just for entering your idea!
Thank you for watching! Have a great week!
Remember you can find me as
Lorrieu on rav plurk twitter
Lorrie green on facebook and there is also a facebook page for north cabin fiber crafts
Shop at
And the blog can be found at
Show and show notes on the blog and also youtube.


1 comment:

  1. For planning long trips please remember dry goods are your friend. Rice, Beans, Peas ... Soaps are easy and require no meat (most are better with meat but you won't starve without it...LOL)Flour tortillas are another easy as you can wrap anything up and enjoy it everywhere... and they are easy keepers and take up less space them bread. And my son says you can always live on pasta and spaghetti ... with canned sauce!! LOL
