Oh oh OH!
I have a few new items for the shop update .......my next update will be Monday April 29th at noon est.
I am going to a knitting retreat knitopia near Port Huron Michigan the weekend of April 25-28
Shop will be on vacation while I am out and when I get back watch out for a few NEW things like this.
I haven't had much time with the dyepots this week so far and it's half over? Well time to step it up!
I have been knitting up some of my very first yards of self striping and am very excited with the results! I can't wait to debut this in the shop!
So much happening here in the next few days and weeks that I can hardly control my excitement and yes nerves and stress level.
I can get through this too right?
Here is just an example of stripes vs rows. I didn't care that much about the colors etc. Just wanted to experiment with getting yarn on the warping board made by Jon. Tying off the areas and yardage I wanted to color, then dye it, dry it and re-warp it in order to wind it off.
I am happy with this result and will be working on the next mini skein experiment before diving in head first for 450 yards of possible tangled mess LOL. Preparation! Learning and patience.
I sure hope that this one comes out better than the last............I'm telling you this is a learning curve and process!
I digress not much for show notes............lemme toss some in!
Update to the adventure details and the hunt, find and gather Somehow I have to figure out meals for this
trip. He said its not like we will not have access to small shops and stores
sometimes we just can’t plan on it.
Don’t know what to do about it and for anyone that will
help………there will be a prize drawing. Go to the ravelry group and in the thread
camp cooking enter your ideas. I will randomly pick someone at the end of may
and you will win a great prize……………yet to be determined of course.
WACKY: my life……….whats going on family, critter news etc.
This week has been exciting! Blooming Knitter
from the knitting blooms podcast and rav group Tina ask me if I would be
interesting in a project this fall I said yes and we are working out the
I am heading to knitopia april 25-28 the GGpL in May
I signed up with a personal trainer friend to kick my butt into shape LOL
all about the business…….
I spent some time designing and ordering some
buttons! For the shop
THE WOODS:. Jon has been very busy with his work at
Ugly Dog distillery here in Chelsea Michigan. Just last week if you missed it,
or I didn’t mention it an episode of under the radar Michigan was aired on
public broadcast network I will have a link in the show note to watch directly
from the internet. Jon and Ruger were in the feature segment about really cool
places to visit in Chelsea Michiganthe
jiffy company, the common grill there was ugly dog distillery! So go take a
No Ruger isn’t really an ‘ugly’ dog he is
very cute it is just the nickname given the this breed of dog the german wire
haired pointer (they didn’t get that part correct on the show!!!) LOL.
LIST:things I have found for biz or
wooly and where to find it.
Probably the only thing that I did this
week……………I ordered buttons from buttons just buttons.org I believe is the
WONDER: photos, anything Alaska inspiration
HA! This weeks wonder is just about I
wonder how I made it through the week! I need better planning of time and
I found a planner…….i believe it is a
teachers planner and you have nice areas to plan you daily schedule or
activities or to do list.
As my life is changing I will have to be
and continue to be productive……even moreso to not get lazy and put off stuff
for the following days! I need to have structure and plans, always plans!
So that about wraps it up remember to go to
the ravelry group thread on the camp recipes and food ideas. You could win a
prize just for entering your idea!
Thank you for watching! Have a great week!
Remember you can find me as
Lorrieu on rav plurk twitter
Lorrie green on facebook and there is also
a facebook page for north cabin fiber crafts
Shop at northcabinfibercraft.etsy.com
And the blog can be found at
I love the weekend! I get to take my time and plan for all the dyeing and yes even house cleaning!
During the week it is hard to juggle both jobs and the man job too.
Last nights dyepots yielded some new and fun colors! Can’t wait to share on the 15th!
I have to step up my game just a bit as I am taking yarns and fibers to two retreats that are pretty much back to back!
Knitopia with Bloomingknitter the 24th thru 28th of this month! Yes this month April!
And the next is GGPL with cjkopec May 16-19th, 2013
And then the next project is to get in the gym for me to get into a bit of shape before Alaska! YIKES its a whirlwind!
Plan for the weekend is to take my first try at the new warping board and self striping yarn! I think the hardest part is for me to pick the colors! I love colors! This is soooo exciting!
I have the bestest man in the world! He made me this!
Next on his honey do list is that he is working on some more orifice hooks for me to take to my retreats! We work so well together!
Please forgive this scrunched up format don't know what happened!
Show notes: THE WACKY:Introduce
weekend at the cabin. Jon built this cabin in the woods in northern michigan
himself. only power is generator and solar power. no tv but we do have cell
phones and can watch movies and youtube if we/he gets bored. LOL
what will we do in alaska? might need sattelite dish and plan for like 1-2
hours per day of some kind of tv.
Being at the cabin is work. No running water,
have to melt snow at this time of year for dishes etc. we only bring in
drinking water and food. So to make a meal we do have propane for the stove or
bbq and then it is heat water for dishes and that takes time. Everything takes
more time to accomplish at the cabin. Even keeping the woodstove going for a
constant heat or warmth and then there is the cutting and splitting of the wood
to make that happen.
are continuously working on getting ready for the Alaska trip this summer. As I
have said before we have a boat and insurance on the boat, purchased our plane
tickets and the gathering pile continues to grow in the corner of my bedroom!
Packs and boxes and just stuff.
easter jon got me a compass and machete and a net bag that we can use to put
food stuff over the side of the boat took keep somethings cold.
WORK: all about the business
I did a quick shop update on the
Thursday before easter.
I have some new fiber base: DK
weight that will be named pebbles base 85% superwash Merino / 15% 231 yds/100gr there will be a few colorways done
with this base
A few new in worsted 240 yards s/w
merino base camp base and several sock weight of s/w 75-25
merino nylon at 450 yards in iditarod base You can see these in the shop: http://northcabinfibercraft.etsy.com THE
WOOLY: knit it and talk about what I have done for the week, works in
kntting: completed hitchhiker 3-24
found ball band for fiber content type brand
Socks from lollipop yarn in the
cabin fever colorway knitting on size 1 for me toe up will do afterthought heal
for the first time
He made me a warping board to hang
on the only blank wall in the house in the hallway. photo
Woot warping board!!! It is finished
and hung up now to give it a go………..hopefully this week!
WISH LIST: things I have found
I found an electronic counter for my modified by Jon verticle swift/skein winder!